Story of my life. I’ve been procrastinating my growing up. I’ve been prolonging my adolescence. " it only gets harder the more that you know."---a quote that validates it’s self every day for me as I go through my senior year. When I was younger, going into my double digits, the phrase ‘mid-life crisis’ provided me comfort. I had misinterpreted the phrase of course. What I thought, or understood, was that everyone has one major crisis in their life or mountain to climb, bridge to cross, whichever you prefer. When my family started falling apart I kept thinking that would be all I had to deal with. I kept looking for the light at the end of my very dark tunnel. I thought after that I would be done. That was an immature understanding. The mid-life part really didn't click for me. This can be taken as a warning sign I think. I will be ready for any trouble that comes my way.
“From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”
-I will pass down my knowledge to those in that are in the place I was.

-heres looking to the future.
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